Proceedings of the International Forum on Integrated Water Management
From May 7-9, 2014, Jérôme Spaggiari – Founder of atelier phusis – organized the 3rd Edition of the International Forum on Integrated Water Management, Tools for ACTION, on behalf of the North American Network of Basin Organizations (NANBO), the Regroupement des organismes de bassins versants du Québec (ROBVQ) and the Conseil de gouvernance de l’eau des bassins versants de la rivière Saint-François (COGESAF), and in partnership with Laval University and the Communauté métropolitaine de Québec. The theme of this edition was Transboundary Waters Management in a Context of Climate Change.
The event welcomed over 300 participants, originating from 12 countries and 14 North American provinces and states, as well as 71 speakers, including several senior political officials and world-recognized experts.
At the beginning of 2015, atelier phusis coordinated the writing of the Proceedings of the International Forum on Water. This document reports the primary conclusions from inaugural roundtables and workshops, and provides links to the given presentations.
In partnership with the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO), the proceedings were officially released during the 7th World Water Forum in Daegu (Republic of Korea).

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